Educational Videos
Our number one priority is to help families achieve financial success. That is why we offer a variety of short educational videos to help you learn about investing, retirement planning, life insurance and so much more! Don’t see an answer to your question? Go ahead and submit your question and we would be happy to create a video just for you!
How do I prepare for medical expenses in retirement?
Bryan covers the ins and outs of how to best prepare for your medical expenses during your retirement years.
Should I use an annuity during retirement?
Bryan covers what an annuity is and if you should use one during retirement to help you have the retirement you deserve.
Should I Get Term or Permanent Life Insurance?
Bryan covers what the difference is between Term and Permanent Life Insurance and what option might be better for you.
What will taxes look like for me in retirement?
Bryan covers what taxes may look like for you in retirement and what you can do to alleviate the burden they may cause.
Do I need to rollover my 401(k) when I retire?
Bryan covers if you need to rollover your 401(k) and why it can benefit you during your retirement years.
Does a reverse mortgage make sense for me?
Bryan talks about what a reverse mortgage is and if it makes sense for you to consider it during your retirement.
When should I take my Social Security benefits?
Bryan goes over the best time to take social security and how to get the most out of your social security benefits.
How will inflation affect my retirement?
Bryan talks about how inflation can affect your retirement and how best to combat it to make the most of your money.
How does an annuity provide income?
Bryan talks about how an annuity can provide you income and stability throughout your retirement.
Do I need to enroll in Medicare if I still work?
Bryan talks about enrolling in Medicare and what to do if you are still working past 65.